Just sharing something here that was brought up on social media. And my thoughts on it.
Karma; we hear this a lot. I believe its even biblical.....but has anyone actually thought about it?? It means....WE deserved it. WE did something to deserve that. Thats what it means. Thats how I read it anyway :/ It means this happened to us.....because we did something to deserve it :( And that we are the same as what we see in others :( Thats what it is inferring. So...if the logic of "karma" is to be taken seriously, then we have done something really really really bad....to deserve this.
If Karma and the phrase "you reap what you sow" is to be taken seriously, then we, those abused, in many ways, have done something really insidious to deserve such abuse. These things cannot be one sided. Ive heard it said that "karma is the reason he is dead"...."you reap what you sow".....well.....what about us who were actually raped? Sorry to be so blunt. But several of us have been raped several times, and abused in other ways. This is horrific obviously, but sometimes these forms of "logic" are unhelpful because they just serve to make you doubt yourself even more, and make you feel even more guilty, and even more at fault. They make you feel at fault. Especially if, like me, you are a Scientist. Scientific brains look at things from all angles and apply the same formula, if it is to be trusted, to all; not just "the abusers" in this case.
I think its important to consider these things, and perhaps they are not to be taken too seriously. There are lots of useful phrases and such in the bible and other holy books; however, it is up to US how we interpret them. You canno

t use one rule for one set of people, and another for the abused. And as for "what we see in others exists in ourselves".....thats terrifying !!! What we have exposed on here, about others, those in positions of power, Government officials, abusers themselves, and discussed how disgusted we are with certain individuals, and how unfairly some of us we treated by those closest to us....if that exists in us also...if we are the same....surely there is no hope for any of us? If we see a malignant abusive narcissist in someone.... that means WE are that too?? I find that absolutely mortifying, and beyond logic. And dare I mention the term...."mind-fucking".
For that reason, (maybe being a scientist doesnt help at times....over-thinking comes naturally).... I find the concept of Karma extremely disturbing. It just serves to alienate me, and scare me, and confuse me, and make me feel like it MUST be my fault...all over again. And again and again and again. Makes you question your entire existence. Especially those of us who knowingly have tried to help so many others. We start to judge ourselves when these things are mentioned.
Just a thought.... :(