That is what you are, So evil and unkind; There is a reason you are alone, And its not difficult to find. There is a reason why you must bleed, These people are right about you, As disgusting burden on society, It would be much better off without you. You are ignorant and stupid, Why would anyone want to know you? There is a reason you are so alone, Nobody is at fault, except you. You upset everyone, You're spiteful and unkind, You dont understand their pain, And the pain you have left behind. There's nobody to help you, For you are beyond all help, There is no cure for such evil, Money will be spent on someone else. You deserve to be alone, You deserve no family, No friends, nobody to trust, Thats how its meant to be. Nobody wants you in this World, The damage you've done is enough, You were never wanted in the first place, But you were born, with no love. For why would anyone love you? You're a failure in every way, You've let down an entire society, They will hate you till your dying day. And you deserved it all, You selfish, manipulative liar, Nobody wants to see your face, Nobody wants you to be here. Keep cutting deeper with the blade, Use something heavier for the bruises, Because until you are dead, Punishment is the only way to abuse you. Stay away from others, You will only do them harm, Plus they will just never understand, They are not from where you are from. Just for writing this You will be scorned, An attention seeking waste of space, Dont say you weren't warned. Nobody wants you here, You damage everyone, Please just damage yourself, Leave everyone else alone. You dont belong, Keep bleeding for them, Shame you dont have enough pills, To put it to an end. I hate you xx