Apologies....this one should come with a Government Health Warning :(
"I Have No Sympathy"
Some of us want to escape, To escape the constant pain; Others...they do not... They escape to avoid the blame.
I have read these things, For I must know; But as for having sympathy - That is well and truly "no".
You did this to escape The blame and shame you deserved; You broke your family and us, For we never got what we deserved.
You knew full well the fate you would meet and instead of facing us - You put a rope around your neck ....and jumped off a seat.
Your family deserve sympathy of course, but you showed zero remorse, You did this to them, And you did this to us.
Some will continue to blame us For your premature death; But you are the one who took your life - leaving us not "fixed" but with more strife.
If I am evil then so be it, I have no sympathy, not even a bit; So evil we may be seen, You left us with more shit.
You knew full well that justice would have been ours; You knew full well, that this had gone way too far.
Nobody knows how many you harmed but with your death you did so much more; You escaped justice,.... ....selfish to the core.
None of us are stupid, yet we deal with ignorance; A victim blaming culture with no common sense.
You are dead and gone, You've no need to worry; But your victims left behind - we wont forget in a hurry.
You knew you were guilty, You know you have no choice; So you left us to deal with
the mess you had caused.
I have many emotions, but sympathy for you is not one; We live with it daily.... ....but as for you...you're gone.
"Suicide is not a sign of weakness" so we hear people say; Well I and others beg to differ - you were too weak to let us have our say.
I have no sympathy, and yes that may make me cruel. But you hung yourself for a REASON, And NONE of us ...are fools.