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Doctor Bryan Hart

This title could have been different, Damaged by a doctor came to mind, But in the end and without your consent I chose your name, not to be unkind.

It needs to be there loud and clear, For all the damage you left me with, You will probably never know or care, For the damage you left me with.

The outburst of rage right in my face, In a hospital of all places, Labelling me a manipulative liar, A cruel, attention seeking waste of space

I am aware now that you were sick, And for that I do not hold against you, But what you did to me has grown and grown, It has grown to the point where I hate you.

For now I dont know who I am, I question my memories, my very existance, You broke my confidentiality, Spoke to my abusers without my consent.

I have had similar done before, And yes from the same profession; But that was out of sheer ignorance, And the persuasive ways of the Exclusive Brethren.

He was a GP and I complained, I received an apology, and I have now accepted, I dont hold any grudges against him now, I know how the Brethren can be very deceptive.

But you are more than a mere GP You are supposed to be an expert, An expert in Psychiatry So your views remain - people tend to trust experts.

The thing is now I distrust myself, You took away my sense of self, You took away my identity, You took away at this point - my entire family.

I do not blame you for all my issues, Abuse from narcissists is very deceptive, But by playing into the hands of my abusers, You have taken away every desire I had to live.

I knew not that you were ill back then, I left the country in a hurry, I ran away from the pain and confusion you caused, I ran away back to my only "trusted" family.

The scar you left me with is still open and raw, And now I have yet another, In fact as time passes I have more and more, The scar first inflicted by my mother.

Now the wound is inches deep, And of course there are more, There are the ones I have to create myself, To take away the pain, and everything else.

The scar you left will never fade, Now I firmly believe the words you spat, In that chair right into my face, On the hospital bed I sat.

I believe im evil and cruel, I beleive that for everything I am to blame, I believe I deserved everything I got, And what i'll never forget - is your name.

Now I question almost everything, I dont know who I am, I certainly do not trust anymore, I dont know how I can...

Did the assault really happen? I ask myself every day, Because of the words you put in my head, They are there to stay.

Your conclusions on me reached ST Helena, So I was viewed with suspicion from many, By those who were supposed to help me, Not just from my family.

Although you have taken them too, For yes, dont worry they now believe you, They were what I had left, Apart from the abusive few.

Your views fuelled my peoples attitude, To sexual assault towards women, It existed already of course, But you gave them more reason to blame women.

I am completely alienated, I have nobody and nothing left, You took away my sanity, And he...took away the rest.

I came close with the help of Rape Crisis, To taking this to court, But of course these things are mishandled, He was told but a free man until court.

He hung himself, thats what he did, To avoid facing the shame, blame and hate, The exact same as what us women face, For him - with death its too late.

My people take this somewhat differently, As what other British people might do, They see this as yet another reason, To say its something he didnt do.

This adds yet another dimension To what you left me with, How on earth am I supposed to know. If it was real, what he left me with.

I dont trust myself, I trust no one else, Due to that experience with you, I have such a deep seated hatred for myself, I now speak to only very few.

You took away even my Nationality, For I am no longer Saint or even British, I have seen enough in South Africa, I have realised that I am no longer British.

For what you have done is make me feel safe In somewhere burdened heavily with rapists , And for that very reason, There are many people I can associate with.

A place of rape and murder Is now my safe haven, From St Helena to South Africa, Who would ever have known.

There I am able to trust, But here - no never again, You have left me with such a deep wound, When im here I just feel insane.

Now the tears fall again, As I write this stupidly long rhyme, But I cannot keep it inside, Its all building up over time.

Because of you im not trusted either, By anyone in the medical service, Im treated with suspicion, In fact im not treated at all by the service.

So I suffer alone with pain and distress, Not knowing whats true and what isnt, Not wanting to be seen by anyone, Feeling like a total delinquent.

You see what im trying to say, Is that you damaged me MORE THAN A RAPIST, You misused your powers, You abused my trust.

I wish I could get you out of my mind, Because now all I can do is hurt more, Just keep hurting myself, To take away what I cannot ignore.

I could write so much more but wont, I will just say one thing more.. I feel so sorry for Glasgow, Glasgow deserves so much more.

You could work here no longer, And so that should be, But does Glasgow not have enough problems? Why now should these people suffer like me????? Nomkhumbulwa.

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