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His Name is Callum

He lives just round the corner, A little boy of only 4 years old; Born so long before his time, He is not a typical 4 year old. He has already survived so much, Just in this very short time; Conquered everything he has faced, Time and time again. He is kind of a miracle, Or at least I think he is, For in his earliest days Only his mummy truly knew he would live. I changed my last verse As I failed to give him credit, Nobody knew if he would pull through, But I believe his mummy knew he would make it. She too is a miracle, A pillar of never ending strength, She deserves a poem of her own, To make it all make sense. But I chose to write about Callum, As he is a very special little boy; After all that he has been through, He has brought with him so much joy. He's had tubes up his nose, Things pumped into his belly, But taken it all in his stride, Eyes glued to the telly. He may be a little behind, In terms of speech and development, But he certainly makes up for that In terms of enjoyment. He battled to enter this world, And so rightly so; Callum firmly belongs here Anyone who knows him would say so. His speech has come on leaps and bounds, Just in these recent months, So nice to hear him talking, Talking and able to make sense. He does have his melt downs, Not able to get his point across, But all to be expected, We line up cars and let it pass. What I really wanted to write about Is what he has done for me; This little boy with all his problems Has had such an impact on me. I do not think about what he cannot do, What he can say, whether he can tie his shoe, I simply appreciate the way he is, And focus on what he can do. In my struggles in my strange world, Callum is an absolute delight, I know his mummy sees more of the other side, I've only been there for short periods of day or night. For anyone with anxiety Callum is highly medicinal; One of the many reasons I believe That he is a medical miracle. I maybe shaking before hand But after spending time with Callum, I leave calm and relaxed, As well as having had so much fun. With his cheeky little smile, And a head once full of many curls, His little eyes would melt anyones heart They light up the room, as he pulls it apart. He's now a tough little cookie, He's shown that many a time; Whether its suffering cold after cold, Or outside barefeet on the stones! He knows how to get up to mischief, We play the light switch game a lot; He knows what he wants from the kitchen, He will take you by the hand and tell you whats what! To me Callum has a bright future, Regardless of being a little behind; There is so much more to life, Than just doing things at the right time. To me its a "symbiosis", In Biological terms, I look after him, But he helps me too, in return. I dont know what he will be when he's older, But I do know he's already a therapist! "Callum sitting on prescription" Should be a common request! I could write so much more about Callum, But my brain right now is in a mess, Although when I see him again, I'm sure he'll re-wire it, and put it to the test! He is a special little boy, With a bright shining light; A bright shining flashing light in fact - We all know how much he loves lights! One day he may be embarrassed, When mummy reads him this rhyme; When he's old enough to understand, And to reflect on these lines. But Callum, all I can say is Thank you - For brightening all our lives; Thank you so much Callum- You help me to survive :) ....lots of love...Aunty Emma :) xxx

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